Monday, December 23, 2019

excursion of class 7 in champa devi

 In the day of excursion all the people came to school with their mobile and we go to bus and we where singing song  when we rich chobar we see whoppe land after fifteen minute from chobar  
we went champa devi . We came out and start to walk .

we start to walk after a while me and my friend where hungry and pranesh give me layz and we share that layzs with my friends and rest with friend we click many photo of the views we where joking with our friends. after four hour we rich temple.

And we play and dance and sing song we play antasiri  and boys win and after a while we  where going down we where slowly going down we where talking that who will not come tommorow and all said all will come and we start to play race and we named that race name temple run . and we take lunch and have a lunch
after we have a lunch we take  photo of views and other people also came and have their lunch and we have take a group photo
and we again start to walk and there was so slippery road someone also fall down and we saw our bus and we run an go to bus.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Preparation of dish at home

I made cauli flower at home.
It ingredients use to make
1. Cauliflower
2. Salt
5 potato
That are the ingredients use for it and method of making cauli flower are.
1.cut the cauli flower and potato
2 .heat the oill and methi
3.put the cauli in it
4 boil it
6 after a while it is made

Enjoy the cauliflower happy dashian and tihar

Thursday, September 5, 2019

rice pudding at home

We brought many indregiengd start to cut that. 
We bought seven packet of milk and start to cut we put that in rice cocker and srart to boil
after boiling tha t  we put the rice on that and start to mixthat
after mixing that i start to put the khir masala on that after putiing khir masala on that and mix up to ten to twenty minutenow khir is made

My fathers

My father is an ideal person of my life he is.    My real hero and my best father ever he. Alwayays help me in lot of difficualty he is an officer as well as in the society because of his gentalness and paliteness he is very intelligentman and always help other in need he is the boss of my famaly and give advice and instruction to every family meamber he solve problem in neighbour he take me at  jagat mandir and discuss my performance with my teacher i love my father very much